If you are a business owner or IT-responsible without an IT department, you know that time-is-money and that quite a lot of time is stuck in tasks that could be automated...
Most organizations have plenty of data, just not very accessible. Either because they are in formats that we consider a dead end (most often Excel), or because they are in different documents, systems etc., and noone has an easy time combining these.
If you don't have access to developers, or perhaps have a hard time explaining exactly what it is you need, the offers from large IT companies as typically too expensive and all require up-front payment.
The result we see many places are people - often core personnel - stiching data together, manually spending time double-checking and way too often, simply not getting the value out of the data
Combine our knowledge regarding development, data and business reporting with your domain knowledge on your business and make the data flow!
Here are a small range of the opportunities others have found to make them more successfull:
Upload zip-file with comma-separated files from a supplier, resulting in an immediately returned zip-file with a financial report containing relevant data and a spreadsheet per customer as invoice appendix
Submitting a customer id and get a live report over a customer, containing asset information from multiple databases combined with a web-API, and returning the information in Excel for further analysis
Upload the monthly spreadsheet from the accountant and receive a Powerpoint containing relevant graphs and tables, leaving only the updating of interpretation and other texts to be added