Business minded
technology loving
problem solvers

Too often problems are left alone, because it is too hard to describe to people outside your competency area. This is very often then case when we are in IT...

We come from the Business side

We have all been working on your side of the table. Either in a management position or working closely together with management with a focus on reporting.

Our backgrounds allows us to go into a true discussion on what the problem is and what good solutions could look like. We also dread the long-winded specification, or the classical solution that follows the written requirements, but are completely unusable.

The result we see many places are people - often core personnel - stiching data together, manually spending time double-checking and way too often, simply not getting the value out of the data

We find a deep and intrinsic joy in making technology help our fellow man. We love technology, but with the explicit focus on removing tedious tasks and make us people able to focus on value creation with the most important resource we have - our time!

Passion for IT law,
technology, and

I create value for companies in the overlap between IT, IT Law, and Negotiation

I will assist to realize your business goals and objectives by focusing on using applicable IT law, negotiation, and IT. Using "best practice," according to the Harvard University methodology to realize desired business benefits and create value for your business.

I have substantial expertise and experience in the IT and technology Sector from my extensive experience as Management consultant and Chief consultant in organizations such as PA Consulting, Ministry of Defense and ATP. Thereby, I ensure that my relevant expertise and experience contribute to business strategy and create value for your business.

Furthermore, working with complex IT and security projects in connection with Ministry of Defense have contributed to strong leadership skills with demonstrating the ability to mentor and lead team. Thus, I will contribute to lead and mentor teams working with complex IT and security projects. 

I am passioned about working with complex IT and security projects. Thus, I will have enthusiasm, motivation, flexibility, and proactivity in solving complex IT and security projects. 

Hansensvej 20
3400 Hillerød
CVR: 21969982
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